Defect Tracking in Software Testing

Software defects are errors or omissions in a software product that can cause it to malfunction or behave unexpectedly. They can be introduced at any stage of the software development process, from requirements gathering to coding to testing.

While it is impossible to completely eliminate software defects, effective defect tracking can help to minimize their impact on the quality of the software. By tracking defects throughout their life cycle, you can ensure that they are fixed quickly and efficiently, minimizing the risk of them causing problems for users.

Defect Life Cycle

The defect life cycle is the process of identifying, reporting, fixing, and verifying a software defect. The defect life cycle typically consists of the following stages:

  • Defect identification: This is the process of finding and reporting a defect in a software application. Developers, testers, and end-users can all identify defects.
  • Defect logging: Once a defect is identified, it is recorded in a defect tracking system. This system keeps track of all defects and their status. The defect description, status, severity, priority, and any attachments are all recorded.
  • Defect investigation: This is the process of understanding why the defect occurred. The defect is reproduced, the root cause is identified, and the severity is assessed.
  • Defect fixing: The development team fixes the defect by making code changes or adjustments. The code changes are reviewed to make sure they are correct and do not introduce new problems.
  • Defect verification: This is the process of making sure the defect has been fixed correctly. The software is tested to make sure the defect no longer exists.

Status of Defects

Defects can have different statuses, which indicate their progress through the defect life cycle. The most common defect statuses are:

  • New: A defect is considered new when it is first reported. At this stage, the defect is not yet being investigated or fixed. The team needs to assess the validity of the defect and determine its severity and priority.
  • Open: A defect is considered open when it is being investigated and fixed. The team is working to understand the root cause of the defect and develop a fix. The fix will then need to be tested to make sure it works correctly.
  • Closed: A defect is considered closed when it has been fixed and verified. This means that the defect has been fixed and the fix has been tested to make sure it works correctly.
  • Deferred: A defect is considered deferred when it is not being fixed right now because it is not a high priority. This could be because there are other defects that are more important, or because the defect is not causing any major problems.
  • Rejected: A defect is considered rejected when it is not a real defect. This could be because the defect was reported incorrectly, or because it was not actually a defect.

Severity of a Defect

The severity of a defect indicates how much impact it has on the software. The most common defect severities are:

  • Critical: Critical defects are the most serious and can have a major impact on the software. These defects can cause the software to crash, become unusable, or lose data. They should be fixed as soon as possible to prevent any further problems.
    Examples of critical defects include:
    • System crashes that prevent any further use of the software.
    • Data corruption or loss, especially in applications dealing with sensitive or critical data.
    • Security vulnerabilities that can lead to unauthorized access or data breaches.
  • Major: Major defects are also serious and can cause significant problems for users. They should be fixed as soon as possible, but they may not be as urgent as critical defects.
    Examples of major defects include:
    • Key features or core functionalities not working as expected.
    • Frequent application crashes or instability.
    • Significant performance degradation affecting user experience.
    • Incorrect calculations or data processing that could lead to errors in critical workflows.
  • Minor: Minor defects are less serious and do not significantly affect the software. They can be fixed later, but they should still be documented so that they can be fixed eventually.
    Examples of minor defects include:
    • User interface glitches or cosmetic issues.
    • Spelling or grammatical errors in user-facing text.
    • Non-critical usability issues that do not hamper core workflows.
  • Trivial: Trivial defects are the least serious and do not significantly affect the software. They can be fixed at any time, but they may not be worth fixing immediately.
    Examples of trivial defects include:
    • A misplaced image or icon on a user interface.
    • A spelling mistake in a help file or documentation.
    • A slight difference in font size or color between two elements of a user interface.
    • A small, barely noticeable graphical glitch.

Priority of a Defect

The priority of a defect indicates how important it is to fix. The most common defect priorities are:

  • High Priority: High-priority defects are the most serious and can have a major impact on the software. They should be fixed as soon as possible to prevent any further problems.
  • Medium Priority: Medium-priority defects are not as serious as high-priority defects, but they can still cause problems for users. They should be fixed in a timely manner to ensure a smooth user experience.
  • Low Priority: Low-priority defects are the least serious and do not significantly affect the software. They can be fixed later, depending on project priorities and available resources.

Defect Report/Incident Report

A defect report, also known as an incident report, is a document that describes a software defect. The defect report should include the following information:

  • Defect Description: A clear and concise description of the defect. This description should provide an overview of what the issue is, where it occurs in the software, and any relevant context.
  • Defect Severity: The severity of the defect should be indicated in the report. This helps prioritize the issue and provides a quick understanding of its potential impact on the software.
  • Defect Priority: The priority of the defect is another critical piece of information. It helps determine when the defect should be addressed relative to other issues in the software.
  • Steps to Reproduce the Defect: A step-by-step description of how to reproduce the defect. This information should be detailed and clear, allowing developers and testers to follow the same sequence of actions to observe the issue.
  • Expected Behavior: What the software’s expected behavior should be under normal circumstances.
  • Actual Behavior: What actually happens when the defect occurs.
  • Environment Details: Information about the software environment where the defect was observed.
  • Attachments: Relevant files, screenshots, or error logs that can provide additional context or evidence of the defect.
  • Test Data: Sample test data or inputs that were used when reproducing the defect.
  • Test Case References: If the defect was discovered during the execution of a specific test case or scenario, reference that test case in the report.

Defect Tracking Tool

A defect tracking tool is a software application that helps you manage defects. Defect tracking tools typically provide the following features:

  • Defect logging: This is the process of recording defects or issues in a defect tracking tool. The tool will usually ask for details about the defect, such as its description, how to reproduce it, and its severity.
  • Defect tracking: This is the process of monitoring defects throughout their lifecycle. The defect tracking tool will keep track of the defect’s status, such as whether it is open, closed, or in progress.
  • Defect prioritization: This is the process of assigning priorities to defects. The priorities are usually based on the impact of the defect and how urgent it is to fix.
  • Defect reporting: This is the process of generating reports about defects. The reports can be used to track the status of defects, identify trends, and make decisions about defect management.
  • Defect communication: This is the process of communicating about defects between team members. The defect tracking tool can be used to facilitate communication by providing a central place to discuss defects and assign tasks.
  1. JIRA: JIRA is a popular defect tracking tool developed by Atlassian. It is flexible and can be adapted to different project management and defect tracking needs. It also offers customizable workflows and integrates with other Atlassian products and third-party tools.
  2. MantisBT: Mantis Bug Tracker (MantisBT) is an open-source defect tracking system that is easy to use and provides core defect tracking features such as issue logging, tracking, and basic reporting. It is suitable for smaller teams or projects with straightforward defect management requirements.
  3. QC (Quality Center): Quality Center is a comprehensive quality assurance tool developed by Micro Focus. It offers extensive capabilities beyond defect tracking, including test management, requirements management, and test automation. It is often chosen for larger, enterprise-level projects with complex testing and defect management needs.


In conclusion, mastering defect tracking is essential for delivering high-quality software. It enables teams to identify, prioritize, and resolve issues efficiently, leading to a smoother development process and improved user satisfaction. By understanding the defect life cycle, severity, and priority, you can strategically allocate resources and address critical issues promptly. Additionally, utilizing powerful defect tracking tools like JIRA, MANTIS, or QC enhances your team’s capabilities in managing defects effectively.

Remember, defect tracking is not just about fixing bugs, it’s about ensuring that your software meets user expectations.