False Positive and False Negative in Software Testing

As a software tester, you may have heard of the terms false positive and false negative in software testing. But what do they mean and why are they important? In this blog, I will explain these terms and give you some tips on how to avoid them in your testing process.

What are false positive and false negative in software testing?

False positive and false negative are terms that describe the accuracy of a test result. They are borrowed from the medical field, where they are used to indicate the presence or absence of a disease in a patient. In software testing, they are used to indicate the presence or absence of a defect in a software product.

A false positive is a test result that indicates a defect when there is none. For example, a test case may fail because of a network issue, a configuration error, or a bug in the test script, but not because of a bug in the software product. A false positive is a false alarm that wastes your time and resources and may lead you to fix something that is not broken.

A false negative is a test result that indicates no defect when there is one. For example, a test case may pass because of a missing assertion, a wrong expected output, or a bug in the test script, but not because the software product is working correctly. A false negative is a missed opportunity that gives you a false sense of confidence and may lead you to release a faulty software product.

How to avoid false positive and false negative in software testing?

False positive and false negative are both undesirable outcomes that can compromise the quality and reliability of your software testing. Therefore, you should try to avoid them as much as possible. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Design your test cases carefully and clearly:
    Make sure that your test cases are relevant, complete, consistent, and unambiguous. Define your test objectives, inputs, outputs, and expected results clearly. Avoid using vague or ambiguous terms or assumptions in your test cases.
  • Review and update your test cases regularly:
    Make sure that your test cases are aligned with the latest requirements, specifications, and design of the software product. Check for any changes or updates that may affect your test cases and modify them accordingly. Remove any obsolete or redundant test cases that are no longer valid or useful.
  • Execute your test cases properly and thoroughly:
    Make sure that your test environment, data, and tools are set up correctly and securely. Follow the test procedures and instructions carefully and accurately. Run your test cases multiple times and in different scenarios and conditions to increase the coverage and confidence of your test results.
  • Analyze and verify your test results diligently and objectively:
    Make sure that your test results are accurate, consistent, and reliable. Compare your actual results with your expected results and identify any discrepancies or deviations. Investigate and confirm the root cause of any failures or errors and report them promptly and clearly.


False positive and false negative are two ways that a test result can lie to you about the quality of your software product. They can cause you to waste your time and resources, miss important defects, and release faulty software products. Therefore, you should try to avoid them by designing, executing, and analyzing your test cases carefully and diligently.