How to Conduct a Code Walkthrough?

A code walkthrough is a type of software review that involves the author of the code explaining the logic and design of their code to other developers. The purpose of a code walkthrough is to verify the quality, functionality, and readability of the code, as well as to identify any errors, bugs, or improvements that can be made.

A code walkthrough can be a valuable tool for software testers, as it can help them understand the code better, find potential defects, and provide feedback to the developers. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits, steps, and best practices of conducting a code walkthrough in software testing.

Benefits of Code Walkthroughs

Code walkthroughs can offer several benefits for software testers, such as:

  • Improving the testability of the code by ensuring that it follows the requirements and specifications.
  • Increasing the coverage and effectiveness of the test cases by revealing the logic and assumptions behind the code.
  • Enhancing the communication and collaboration between the testers and the developers by facilitating knowledge sharing and feedback.
  • Reducing the cost and time of testing by detecting and fixing defects early in the development cycle.
  • Improving the quality and reliability of the software by preventing errors from reaching the end users.

Steps of Code Walkthroughs

A code walkthrough typically consists of the following steps:

  • Preparation:
    The author of the code selects a section of the code that they want to review and invites other developers and testers to participate in the walkthrough. The author also prepares a document that describes the purpose, scope, and objectives of the code, as well as any questions or issues that they want to address.
  • Presentation:
    The author of the code presents the code to the participants, explaining the logic, design, and functionality of the code. The author also answers any questions that the participants may have and solicits feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  • Discussion:
    The participants of the code walkthrough discuss the code, pointing out any errors, bugs, or inconsistencies that they find. They also provide constructive criticism and recommendations for enhancing the code quality and performance.
  • Action:
    The author of the code records the results and outcomes of the code walkthrough, including any defects, action items, or changes that need to be made. The author then implements the necessary modifications and verifies that the code meets the expectations and standards.

Best Practices of Code Walkthroughs

To conduct a successful code walkthrough, software testers should follow these best practices:

  • Choose a suitable section of the code that is relevant, important, and representative of the overall functionality of the software.
  • Review the code thoroughly before the walkthrough, making notes of any questions, comments, or concerns that you have.
  • Be respectful, courteous, and professional during the walkthrough, avoiding personal attacks, sarcasm, or negativity.
  • Focus on the code, not the person, and provide constructive feedback that is specific, objective, and actionable.
  • Ask questions to clarify the logic, design, and purpose of the code, and to understand the developer’s perspective and reasoning.
  • Suggest improvements that can enhance the code quality, readability, and testability, and explain the benefits and rationale of your suggestions.
  • Follow up on the action items and changes that result from the code walkthrough, and verify that they are implemented correctly and effectively.


A code walkthrough is a type of software review that involves the author of the code explaining the logic and design of their code to other developers and testers. Code walkthroughs can help software testers improve their understanding, testing, and feedback of the code, as well as enhance communication and collaboration with the developers. To conduct a code walkthrough, software testers should follow the steps and best practices discussed in this blog post, and aim to provide constructive and valuable feedback that can improve the quality and reliability of the software.