Installation Testing: What, Why, and How?

Installation testing is a type of software testing that verifies whether a software application can be installed and uninstalled successfully on the target environment. It also checks whether the software behaves as expected after installation and meets the user’s requirements. Installation testing is an important part of software quality assurance, as it ensures that the software is compatible with the system configuration, has no errors or conflicts during installation, and does not affect the performance or functionality of other applications.

Objectives of installation testing?

The main objectives of installation testing are to:

  1. Verify that the software can be installed and uninstalled without any errors or issues on the target environment.
  2. Verify that the software meets the user’s expectations and requirements after installation.
  3. Verify that the software does not have any negative impact on the system performance or functionality.
  4. Verify that the software complies with the installation standards and guidelines.

Benefits of installation testing?

Some of the benefits of installation testing are:

  1. It improves the user experience and satisfaction by ensuring a smooth and error-free installation process.
  2. It reduces the risk of software failures and defects by detecting and resolving any installation issues before the software is released to the end-users.
  3. It saves time and cost by avoiding rework and maintenance due to installation problems.
  4. It enhances the software quality and reliability by ensuring that the software works as intended on the target environment.

Types of installation testing?

There are different types of installation testing, depending on the nature and scope of the software application. Some of the common types are:

I. Fresh installation testing:
It checks whether the software can be installed for the first time on a clean system, without any previous versions or traces of the software.

II. Upgrade installation testing:
It checks whether the software can be upgraded from an older version to a newer version, without any errors or data loss.

III. Uninstallation testing:
It checks whether the software can be uninstalled completely and cleanly from the system, without leaving any residual files or registry entries.

IV. Partial installation testing:
It checks whether the software can be installed with only the required or selected features or components, without affecting the functionality or performance of the software.

V. Cross-platform installation testing:
It checks whether the software can be installed and run on different operating systems, browsers, devices, or hardware configurations, without any compatibility issues.

Methods of installation testing?

There are different methods of installation testing, depending on the level of automation and user involvement. Some of the common methods are:

I. Manual installation testing:
It involves manually installing and uninstalling the software on the target environment, following the installation instructions and verifying the installation results.

II. Automated installation testing:
It involves using a tool or a script to automate the installation and uninstallation process, and comparing the actual results with the expected results.

III. User acceptance installation testing:
It involves getting feedback from the end-users or the stakeholders on the installation process and the software functionality after installation.

Challenges of installation testing?

Installation testing can be challenging due to various factors, such as:

  • The complexity and diversity of the software application and the target environment.
  • The lack of proper documentation and test cases for installation testing.
  • The dependency and interaction of the software with other applications or system components.
  • The time and resource constraints for installation testing.

Best practices of installation testing?

Some of the best practices of installation testing are:

  • Plan and design the installation testing strategy and scope based on the software requirements and specifications.
  • Prepare and maintain the test environment and the test data for installation testing.
  • Define and execute the test cases and scenarios for installation testing, covering both positive and negative cases.
  • Use a tool or a framework to automate the installation testing process, where possible and feasible.
  • Report and track the installation testing results and defects, and communicate them to the development team and the stakeholders.
  • Perform installation testing at different stages of the software development life cycle, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing.

How to perform installation testing using a tool?

One of the tools that can help you perform installation testing is InstallShield, a software installation development solution that enables you to create reliable and secure installers for Windows, Linux, macOS, and other platforms. InstallShield provides various features and functionalities, such as:

  • A graphical user interface (GUI) that allows you to design and customize your installation project
  • A scripting language that allows you to add logic and functionality to your installation project
  • A testing and debugging tool that allows you to test and troubleshoot your installation project
  • A reporting and analytics tool that allows you to monitor and optimize your installation project

To perform installation testing using InstallShield, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a new installation project or open an existing one in InstallShield.
  2. Configure the installation settings and options, such as the installation type, the installation mode, the installation features, the installation prerequisites, the installation dialogs, the installation actions, and the installation properties.
  3. Build the installation project and generate the installation package, such as an executable file, a setup file, or a web installer.
  4. Run the installation package on the target environment and verify the installation results, such as the installation status, the installation logs, the installation files, and the installation registry entries.
  5. Uninstall the software from the target environment and verify the uninstallation results, such as the uninstallation status, the uninstallation logs, the uninstallation files, and the uninstallation registry entries.
  6. Compare the actual results with the expected results and report any discrepancies or defects.


Installation testing is a vital part of software testing that ensures that the software can be installed and uninstalled successfully on the target environment and meets the user’s requirements. Installation testing can be performed using different types, methods, and tools, depending on the software application and the target environment. Installation testing can improve the software quality and reliability, reduce the software failures and defects, and enhance the user experience and satisfaction.