The Human Touch in Testing: Why Manual Testing Still Matters?

In the fast-changing tech world, where computers and robots are doing more and more things, it’s easy to forget how important human testing is. Even though automated stuff is helpful, people still bring something special to testing. In this article, we’ll talk about why regular testing done by people is still really important, why it’s good, and how it works well with automated testing.

Exploring and Finding Problems

One of the best things about manual testing is that it allows testers to explore the software and find problems that might not be found with automated testing. This is because manual testers can think creatively and come up with new ways to test the software. They can also change their testing approach based on what they find, which is something that automation testing is not very good at.

For example, a manual tester might start by testing the software’s main features. But if they find a problem with one of those features, they might then explore other parts of the software to see if they are affected by the same problem. They might also try to break the software by entering invalid data or performing actions in a way that is not intended.

This kind of exploratory testing can be very effective at finding problems that automated testing might miss. This is because automated testing is usually designed to test specific features or scenarios. It is not as good at finding problems that are caused by unexpected interactions between different parts of the software.

Seeing Things Like Users

When we use software, we want it to be easy to use and make sense. Manual testers pretend to be users and see if the software is easy to use and understand. They can find problems that affect how we use the software, even if the software still works technically.

For example, a manual tester might try to use the software to complete a task, such as booking a flight or making a purchase. They would pay attention to how easy it is to find the necessary information and how clear the instructions are. They would also look for any problems that make it difficult to use the software, such as confusing menus or error messages.

Manual testers can also find problems that are not immediately obvious. For example, they might notice that the software is not accessible to people with disabilities, or that it is not secure from hackers.

By seeing things from the user’s perspective, manual testers can help to ensure that software is user-friendly and meets the needs of its users.

Catching Design and Look Issues

Humans are really good at noticing how things look. Manual testers can use their eyes to find problems with the design and look of the software, such as:

  • Colors that don’t match
  • Fonts that are wrong
  • Images that are blurry or pixelated
  • Text that is difficult to read
  • Layout that is not user-friendly
  • Other small details that can annoy or confuse users

Automated checks can look at how things work, but they might not see the small details that humans can. For example, an automated check might not be able to tell if a font is the wrong size or if the text is too difficult to read.

Manual testers can also use their eyes to find problems with the user interface (UI). The UI is the way that the software looks and feels to the user. Manual testers can look for things like:

  • Buttons that are hard to find or click on
  • Menus that are confusing
  • Error messages that are not clear
  • Other problems that make it difficult to use the software

By using their eyes, manual testers can help to ensure that the software is visually appealing and user-friendly.

Trying Different Situations

Software doesn’t work in a vacuum. It needs to work in different places and situations, such as different internet connections, different computer settings, and different devices. Manual testers can try out different things to see how the software works in these different situations.

For example, a manual tester might try to use the software on a slow internet connection or on a device with low memory. They might also try to use the software with different settings, such as different languages or different keyboard layouts.

By trying out different things, manual testers can help to find problems that might not be found with automated testing. This is because automated testing is usually designed to test the software in a specific set of conditions. It is not as good at finding problems that are caused by unexpected changes in the environment.

Here are some other things that manual testers can do to test different situations:

  • Test the software on different devices and operating systems.
  • Test the software with different types of users, such as beginners, experts, and people with disabilities.
  • Test the software in different environments, such as different network conditions and different user locations.
  • Test the software with different data sets, such as large data sets or noisy data sets.

Dealing with Lots of Pieces

Software today is complex and made up of many different parts. These parts need to work together seamlessly, but sometimes they don’t. Manual testers are like puzzle solvers, they figure out how all the parts of the software work together and find problems when they don’t.

For example, a manual tester might be responsible for testing the interaction between the software’s user interface and its underlying code. They would need to understand how the user interface works and how it communicates with the code. They would also need to be able to identify any problems that occur when the user interface and the code interact.

Manual testers can also be responsible for testing the integration of different parts of the software. For example, they might need to test how the software’s payment system works with its inventory system. They would need to understand how both systems work and how they need to interact with each other. They would also need to be able to identify any problems that occur when the two systems are integrated.

By understanding how all the parts of the software work together, manual testers can help to ensure that the software is reliable and works as expected.

Working Together and Talking

Manual testing helps teams work better together because testers can talk with the people who make the software, also known as developers, and tell them what’s happening. They can also help fix problems in real-time. This teamwork makes the software better.

For example, a manual tester might find a bug in the software. They can then talk to the developers and explain the bug to them. The developers can then fix the bug and the manual tester can test the fix to make sure that it works.

This kind of collaboration between testers and developers helps to ensure that the software is of high quality. It also helps to build trust and communication between the two teams.

Balancing Manual and Automation Testing

Manual testing is good for exploring and checking how things look and feel. It can be used to find problems that automated testing might miss, such as usability problems and visual bugs. Manual testing can also be used to test the software in real-world scenarios, such as different user environments and different devices.

Automated testing is good for doing the same checks again and again. It can be used to find problems that are reproducible and that can be fixed quickly. Automated testing can also be used to test the software for performance and scalability.

The best way to balance manual and automated testing is to use a combination of both. This will help to ensure that all aspects of the software are tested and that any problems are found and fixed quickly.

Feelings Are Important

Humans have feelings, and they can be important in testing. For example, when testers get frustrated with something not working, it can be a sign that there is a problem with the software. Similarly, when testers have a gut feeling that something is wrong, it can be a valuable intuition that can help them find bugs.

Here are some other ways that feelings can be important in testing:

  • Feelings can help testers to stay motivated. When testers are frustrated or bored, they may be less likely to put in the effort to find bugs.
  • Feelings can help testers to be more creative. When testers are feeling playful or curious, they may be more likely to come up with new ways to test the software.
  • Feelings can help testers to be more empathetic. When testers can understand how users feel, they may be more likely to find bugs that affect the user experience.

Overall, feelings can be a valuable tool for testers. By being aware of their feelings and how they affect their testing, testers can improve their ability to find bugs and make software better.


In Conclusion, that’s why manual testing is really valuable. Even though automation is helpful, humans have a special touch that’s hard to replace. Manual testers can find problems in creative ways, see things from a user’s perspective, and notice small design issues. They can test in different situations and understand how all the parts of the software fit together. Manual testing helps teams work together and catch all kinds of problems that automation testing might miss. So, remember, even in this world of technology, the human touch is still super important in making software that’s truly great.